Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day - to my Sons

A little background first (I recently was reminded this was helpful for better understanding what we communicate).

During my teen years, after a lifetime of seeing the spiritual souls of men and women in destruction or forever freed, my interest in the "criminal" mind peeked. Jody Fisher's role in Silence of the Lambs (never seen the movie but the plot caught my interest) attracted me. I wanted to know what made people make the choices they did--the whole nature vs. nurture debate (The answers were later in life made much more simple as God and His Word became real to me.)

I also realized my study and interest in this world of deviation to be of little value, to me and to others. This came to me in many different "messages" but one always sticks out in my mind. As I was walking through a Cracker Barrel and looking at all the pretties, one of those plaques with nice sayings read, "Why try to change all the bad men, make new good men".

That, and other things, set my course in motion for a different purpose. Instead of understanding and learning of the "criminal" mind, understanding what "New" men meant became of greater interest.

Ok, this blog is not an exegesis on what "newness" means, it's about Fathers day.

Fast forward till today, June 17th, I'm reading Proverbs 17 (yep, still love Proverbs a day) and am reminded "..the glory of children are their fathers." Since I do not feel at liberty to speak to all the Fathers out there, the Lord reminded me that I do however have much liberty with 4 potential fathers in my own "Jerusalem and Judeah". Ladies, we do have a voice, "My son.....forsake not your mother’s teaching," (Pr. 1:8)

My boys in training and other future fathers.

The rest of the "bad men" in the world I currently have little impact on personally. But don't we sometimes underestimate the role we can have with "new" fathers in this world. What a provoking thought that we mothers have been allowed by God to raise potential fathers who can someday be the glory of their own children.

One of my favorite authors Evangeline Johnson, in a recent article, "How to Fight Like a Woman" wrote regarding overcoming self pity and defeat in facing the real enemies in "men's" lives,

"We as women can move these mountains! I beg your pardon? What can I do without becoming a Criminal Justice lawyer or without leaping out of the home away from my own children to help the orphans? Without going to Thailand to set us a Rescue Shop? You can do the best thing ever! Psalm 24:17 says, 'The righteous cry and the Lord hears.". My own great-grandmother (who was blind in her later years) cried day and night for the coming generations of our family. Hundreds of thousands of people have come to know God because she simply took up her weapon. Hannah cried and the world got Samuel. Mary cried and Jesus' feet were anointed. Esther cried and God's people got justice....We can tip the bowls for Heaven. When interceding tears meet with God's, they have the power to alert society and generations to come, to change governments, and deliver people and nations caught in unbelieveable situations. 
This is justice and this is how women fight!"

My "battleground" for the souls of men has enlarged, allowing the opportunity to sharpen arrows to aim straight at the wickedness that roams the earth seeking whom he may devour. The battle is not of flesh and blood but a daily task for the souls of our own family, the souls of others that they may also be, God's Glory to their children. This Father's Day I'm reminded of my role in the making of Godly Fathers.

    Children’s children are the crown of old men,
      And the glory of children is their father.(Pr. 17:6)

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