I'm a perpetual note taker. Always with me is something on which to make a "quick note". My bird's eye view does a pretty good job of it too. But how often we want to remember something, and find it gone.
It seems as time is passing, funerals have become as common as other ceremonial celebrations. Finding myself recently again there, I resisted the urge to take notes. "Take notes at a funeral?" Well, why not?
I've attended a variety of funerals and my husband has officiated for both sanctified and unsanctified alike. I can remember one particular funeral, finding something good to say was at best, challenging. These times have provoked me to pull out my proverbial notebook and take note just as the rich man spoke from his eternity (Luke 16:23) asking ones to remember him and the consequences and sadness of his life wasted on carnality. These ones who have found their destination for eternity had one more thing to say to us, "Live differently!".
On the other hand, at the passing of a joyful saved-sinner, to be surrounded by a group of saints, weeping and rejoicing, simultaneously praising God (in one accord and in one spirit), testifying of the life spent fulfilling the two greatest commandments: love God and love others, this is also a noteworthy moment!
Finding myself in the last few weeks at such a funeral, how tempting it was to want to make note of every detail about this person, beloved of God and so many others. Jackie Harris was not a perfect person, but how thankful I am to have had the chance to share her lifetime. In the weeks since her passing, her life has been helpful and encouraging to me, even in her death she continues to love God and others.
Her example was found in living out her thankfulness to her benefactor, Jesus Christ. Whom, before His very own passing, it was prophesied "when they look on me" (Zach. 12:10) hearts would be changed. How interesting it is to me, that even at the viewing of Christ's deceased body, those past and present that were in need of a changed heart, it would become evident.
I am awed and thankful for greater appreciation of life and death. Jackie Harris is just one person. Although few and far between, there are others that can and do set a tremendous example for those of us still here, in the land of the dying. I pray and ask my Heavenly Father, as I daily view His life and others, that mine will be noteworthy in the way He has purposed for me.
These thoughts are dedicated to my good friend Jody, daughter of the deceased Jackie Harris. Both whom I count it a joy to have walked, laughed, loved, and shared many good times with.
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Jackie, Jody, and Renee |
Thank you Cherith. I appreciate this note and I love you.
BTW: Did you know that from her death came the blessing of at least 1 person getting saved?
Thank you Cherith...we are so blessed to be a part of the Family of God. I miss her too...Mother