Friday, April 1, 2011


Note: This is a new blog site for me. If you're reading this, you found me. I keep filling my allotted space at Homeschool Blogger so I just moved on over to Blogger. Normally, I use the autonomous method of designing a blog but now that I'm changing over, perhaps I will get creative, all in time.

I had several things on my blog list for March and with my former blog limitations, I gave up. Then I realized, it's April 1st and my deadline had passed. But, I persevered and found a new site.

Here it goes!

And that's exactly what has been on my mind this month, Perseverance!

It seems that not only personally but in the lives of many, March has been the month for "madness"! Madness that results in--due to spring fever, weariness in well doing, activity, or whatever--lost perspective. March seems to be a cross road where decisions are made whether to persevere in ones current direction or to move onto something different. This is what I've been hearing and been personally dealing with.

So I have given some thought to these times. I'd like to believe I am like the proverbial punching bag. You can knock 'em and sock 'em and what do they do? They get right back in your face. And I don't mean that in an irritating way. It can be great entertainment to a child who is doing the punching, the harder they try to get the bag down, the quicker it's back on its feet.

And as I look around and see struggling, groping, toiling to continue in work that suddenly seems mundane and fruitless, I want to say with all my might, "Get back up, stand up, don't stay down...Persevere!"

For some reason, I believe I was supposed to write this here today. Having at least three people tell me recently that they faithfully look here for a certain type of encouragement, I didn't doubt myself. When God gives you something, a lesson written on the heart, it should not be wasted but the right timing and with the right words. Prayerfully, as I have, you're persevering in the mission you've been led to.


  1. Cherith, since I'm not a writer, it's a joy to read the writings of someone else who very often puts into words some of my very own thoughts that I can't seem to get from my head to paper. The Lord has blessed you with a wonderful talent. Keep them coming.

  2. Your note today was just what I needed. I am on a new job with great challenges every day.I read your encouraging words and said to myself."Press on young man, you have many things to do today to honor The lord".Cherith God has used your words many times to encourage me in my walk with The Lord.May He encourage your heart today.
    Dad Nottingham.

  3. Thank you; I enjoy putting thoughts to words.

    "It matters not who gets the credit as long as God gets glory!"

  4. I also practiced perseverance in finding this page...but it was well worth it. I have witnessed this perserverance in you Cherith in the years past and have myself, asked that God would perfect that in my...yes, He alone gets the glory, but you get the "accolades" for being an example to all of us.

